Lead organisation:  Amani Friends of Nature (AFON)

Partners:  Muheza District Council, Ward Councils, Forestry Service

Location:  Amani Forest Nature Reserve, East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania

Duration:  February – August 2023


The global population of the Amani Flatwing damselfly (Amanipodagrion gilliesi) is thought to be restricted to a single stream in the East Usambara mountains in northeast Tanzania.  Surveys carried out during the project confirmed that a small population is still present but that its survival is threatened by human activity and unseasonal weather patterns.  Under the leadership of Amani Friends of nature, a recently-established local non-government organisation, village communities discussed ways to conserve the Amani Flatwing and other endemic species of fauna and flora in the vicinity.  With the support of the Amani Forest Nature Reserve and local government units they developed an action plan to protect the fragile habitat.  The plan includes a commitment to seek funding to construct alternative washing and drinking facilities away from the stream; and to support further ecological research which will help to guide future conservation measures.  Read more.
